Dr Skowroński’s course of Rhetoric and Persuasion for international students (with Cambodian students on the photo) has two parts, theoretical and practical.
The first part introduces students to the tradition of Western rhetoric and the modes of persuasion, focusing on the main categories and procedures of rhetorical analysis according to various schools. This part gives students the theoretical underpinnings and terminological basis for their own rhetorical training. The second part applies students’ knowledge of categories and procedures of Western rhetorical tradition and its persuasive possibilities. It gives students the elements of classical rhetorical training and develops their skills of effective persuasion.
Selected topics
Ethical and non-ethical types of argumentation
Canons of rhetoric
Ethos, pathos, logos
New Rhetoric
Target audience
Visual rhetoric
Rhetoric and persuasion on the Internet
Selected Sources
Sources dependent on the type of audience in the course
Additional Sources
K. Skowroński and J. Kegley (eds.), Persuasion and Compulsion in Democracy. Lanham-Boulder-New York-London: Lexington Books/The Rowman&Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 2013
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