International conferences (I have given the follower papers — in English or Spanish — in the following conferences):
- “Richard Rorty in Polish Philosophy”; II European Pragmatist Conference. Paris, College de France, September 9-11, 2015
- “American Pragmatism in Polish Philosophical Education”; Pragmatism and Education in the Visegrad Countries. International Visegrad Grant SN: 21410169. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Rep, May 7-9, 2015
- “Robert Pippin´s Cinematic Philosophy in Light of Rorty´s Neopragmatism,” Robert B. Pippin: Philosophische Filmlektüren. Vortrag und internationales Symposium, 3.-5. November 2014, Wien (Austrian Academy of Sciences).
- ” Entre política y estética: la idea de la democracia liberal en la filosofía del arte de John Dewey,” Una estética de este mundo: simposium internacional.
80 Aniversario de Art as Experience, de John Dewey, Toledo, 25 y 26 de septiembre de 2014 - “Economic Crisis and Ethnocentric Rhetoric in American Neopragmatism (Rorty)” – American and European Values X, UO, September 17-20, 2014
- “Are Equity and Basic Needs Culturally Determined? A Philosophical Reflection” BOLD International Development Agency, Center for Arts and Urbanistics, Berlin, August 27, 2014
- “Rortyan and Kantyan Contributions to the Good Life in Democratic Culture: Discourses, Norms, and Axiological Points of Reference”: 8 Central European Pragmatist Forum, Wrocław, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Wyższa Szkoła Psychologii Społecznej), June 9-13, 2014
- “Facial Images as a Way for the Articulation of Values: Classic Form,
Avant-garde’s Deformation, and Pop Culture Stylization” Legnica Jewellery Silver Festival, Symposium: Boundaries of Global Art: Classic in post-modern reality, May 17, 2014 - “Redescripción y narraciones de ‘los grandes libros’: la libertad y sus limitaciones en Richard Rorty”; Learning Freedom. Richard Rorty Revisited. Instituto Franklin and Dewey Center (Centro de Estudios Dewey en España), Madrid/Alcalá de Henares, Spain, December 3-5, 2013
- “Naturalistic Axiology and Normativity in Rorty “; American and European Values IX. Richard Rorty and Beyond Opole University, July 28 – August 2, 2013
- “Ruins as Seats of Values“; IV International Congress on Santayana. Rome, Tor Vergata University, October 30-31, 2012
- “The Reception of American Pragmatism in Continental Europe in Light of Socio-Political Factors (Secularization, Americanization, Democratization); The First European Pragmatism Conference Rome, Roma Tre University, September 19-21, 2012
- “Reading “the Great Books” in Light of Richard Rorty’s Idea of Cultural Politics“; “Rethinking Pragmatist Aesthetics.” International Conference at WSPS; Wrocław, August 31- September 3, 2012
- “The Constitutive Role of Social Values and Political Power in G. H. Mead’s Reflections on Aesthetic Experience“; American and European Values VII: International Conference on George Herbert Mead at 80 Anniversary of His Death., Opole University, June 20-24, 2011
- “Santayana and the Avant-garde: Visual Arts in the Context of Democracy, Norms, Liberty, and Social Progress“; American Philosophical Associacion Annual Conference, Boston, USA, December 27-30, 2010
- “Democracy and Aesthetic Experience. William James’s Possible Contribution to Philosophy of Art in American Pragmatism“; AAEV, William James’s Pragmatism, Opole University, June, 22-26, 2010
- “Santayana as an Hispanic-American Philosopher“; I International Conference on Pragmatism and the Hispanic/Latin World. AM University College Station, Texas, USA, Feb 19-20, 2010
- “Santayana and America“; III International Conference on George Santayana. Valencia, Spain, November 16-19, 2009
- “Aesthetics and Democracy in the Philosophical Tradition of American Pragmatism“; The Second Nordic Pragmatism Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, 27-29 sierpnia 2009
- “Social and Political Powers in John Dewey’s Aesthetics“; American and European Values V. John Dewey at 150: Art, Culture, Society, Opole June, 23-27, 2009
- “Reflexión sobre algunos aspectos axiológicos de la transformación democrática en Europa del Este, especialmente en Polonia:”; A round table debate on the occasion of the Philosophy Day by UNESCO. Faculty of the Humanities, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, November 19, 2008.
- “El pragmatismo abulense de George Santayana en relación con los valores y poderes“; I Seminario Internacional. “LA FILOSOFÍA DE GEORGE SANTAYANA: INTERPRETACIONES CONTEMPORÁNEAS”. University Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain, November 17-18, 2008.
- “The Aesthetics of American Pragmatism in the Context of Values and Powers. An Outline“; 11 International Meeting on Pragmatism University of Sao Paulo (PUC SP), Brazil, November 3-6, 2008
- “American, European, Far East Values. A Philosophical Rapprochement. Intoduction to the Round Table Debate“; XXII World Congress of Philosophy , Seoul, S. Korea, July 30-August 6, 2008
- “Josiah Royce and Loyalty in the Context of Values and Powers“; American and European Values IV. I International Conference on Josiah Royce, Opole, June 24-29, 2008
- “Aesthetics and the Corporal Values“; Between Politics and Aesthetics: Richard Shusterman’s Pragmatism University of Lower Silesia and University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, March 8, 2008
- “Aspectos ontologicos de la obra de arte literaria en Santayana. Un bosquejo introductorio“; George Santayana: la lucidez de la razon. Jornada organizada por Universidad de Valencia, Limbo: Boletin de estudios internacionales sobre Santayana”>, y Museo Valenciano de la Modernidad y de la Ilustración (MUVIM)”> , Valencia, Espana, March 4-5, 2008
- “American and European Values: Annual Conferences on Pragmatism“; The 1st Conference of the Dewey Center. The Pragmatist Angle of Vision. , Jagiellonian University, Cracow. November 20-21, 2007
- “The Aesthetics of American Pragmatism and the Contemporary Debate upon the Problem of Values“; Stratification of Interdisciplinary Communications and Philosophical. Aesthetic Reflexions of Post-Historical Art. Presov University, Slovakia, September 6-8, 2007
- “Charles S. Peirce and the Revaluation of Axiological Thinking“; American and European Values III. Charles S. Peirce’s Normative Thought. Opole University, Poland, June 26-30, 2007
- “James and Royce in Poland. An Uneasy Reception“; William James and Josiah Royce a Century Later. Pragmatism and Idealism in Dialogue. Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, May 25-27, 2007
- “Santayana Today. Problems and Hopes“; II International Conference on George Santayana, Opole University, Poland, June 20-24, 2006
- “Information about II International Conference on Santayana“; Annual Meeting of Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP); Texas State University-San Marcos and Northwest Vista College in San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 8-12 2006
- “Towards a Philosophy of Modesty: Freedom, Reason, and Limit in Santayana’s Moral and Political Thought“; Liberty Fund. Cambridge, England. December 1-4, 2005.
- “A Spaniard in New England. Santayana’s In-betweennes“; American and European Values. A Philosophical Rapprochement. Opole University, 21-24 June 2005.
- Contested Values and Moral Reasoning in International Affairs, Vanderbilt University and Carnegie Counsil on Ethics and International Affairs, Nashville, TN, USA, June 5-10, 2003
- Conference of the Philosophical Journal Nowa Krytyka, Bielice, Poland, Sept 2-5, 2003
- “Liberty and Responsibility in William James“; Liberty Fund Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 3-6 April 2003
- 5th Annual Summer Institute in American Philosophy: Pragmatism, Pluralism, and Peace, Burlington, VT, USA, 8-13 July 2002
- “Axiological Humanism with Reference to Sheler and Santayana“; Fourth Biennal Personalist Seminar, Calowhee, NC, USA, June 11-16, 2002
- 29th Annual Meeting of Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP), Portland, MN, March 7-9, 2002
- “Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke: Fiddle Faddle on the Stage“; The Other in Polish Theater and Drama, Indianapolis-Bloomington, IN, USA, Feb. 13-16, 2002
- “The Santayana Edition“; Ninety-Eight Annual Meeting of The American Philosophical Association (APA), Atlanta, G, USA, Dec .27-30, 2001
- Democracy and the Post-Totalitarian Experience, Karpacz, Poland, 27-30 May 1998
National conferences (papers given in Polish):
Stromata Anthropologica
For eight years I have participated in nation-wide conferences organized by the Department of Cultural and Folklore Studies at Opole University. The main organizers of all these events and the co-editors of the volumes that published the presented texts have been dr. Katarzyna Leńska-Bąk and Magdalena Sztandara. All the conferences took place in Pokrzywna. Below is the list of my presentations and of the topics of the conference within this series:
- “Hunger as Value in Philosophy and Culture in the Context of the Debate between Hedonism and the Ethics of Renuciation“; Głód. Skojarzenia, metafory, refleksje..[Hunger. Associations, Metaphors, Reflections..] , April 24-26, 2013
- “Dirt is Yours, but Cleanness is not Yours. Hygiene as sterility, Ornamentation as Artificiality, Dress as a Pose in Witold Gombrowicz’s Philosophy of Culture“; Brud. Dylematy – idee – sprawy [Dirt. Dilemmas — Ideas — Issues], April 24-26, 2012
- “Selected Concepts of Corporality in Philosophy and Culture in the Context of a Reflection about Pleasure and Delight“; O rozkoszach wszelakich… Od przyjemności do ekstazy w kontekstach kultury [On Various Delights…From Pleasure to Extasy in the Cultural Contexts], April 12-15, 2011
- “Erotic Intrigue as Inscenization of Power in Witold Gombrowicz’s Works“; Zmowa, intryga, spisek w strukturze codzienności [Plot, Intrigue, Conspiracy in the Structure of Ordinariness], April 20-23, 2010
- “The Dread of Nonexistence, the Terror of Extinction, the Angst of Nonlife”. Witold Gombrowicz and the Desease of Unreality“; Wokół choroby, medycyny i praktyk leczniczych. Teorie-konteksty-interpretacje [Around Illness, Medicine, and Healing Practices. Theories-Contexts-Interpretations], April 21-25, 2009”
- Axiological Universalism in Relation to Cultural Relativism“; Sztuka życia, zasady dobrego zachowania, etykieta. O zmienności obyczaju w kulturze [The Art of Living, Principles of Proper Behavior, Etiquette], April, 21-24, 2008
- “Mugs, Facial Expressions, and Grimaces. Axiology of the Face in the Aesthetics of Deformation“; Doświadczane, opisywane, symboliczne – ciało w kulturowych dyskursach [The Experienced, Described, Symbolic Body in Cultural Discourses], April 16-19, 2007
- “Americanization of Polish Cuisine. A Review of the Problematics“; Pokarmy i jedzenie w kulturze. Tabu, dieta, symbol [Food and Eating in Culture. Taboo, Diet, Symbol], March 24-27, 2006
Conferences at Institute of Philosophy at Opole University
I also participated in conferences organized by Institute of Philosophy at Opole University. Below is the list of the topics of such conferences with my participation:
- “Axiology of Facial Images in Aesthetics of Deformation [Aksjologia twarzy w estetyce deformacji“; Toposy granicy w filozofii, literaturze i sztuce [Toposes of the Order in Philosophy, Literature, and Art], May 9-10, 2013
- “Ruined Space (Ruins) as a Micro-universe of Values“; Odnaleźć się w czasie i przestrzeni. Dyskusja interdyscyplinarna [To Find Oneself in Time and Space. An Interdisciplinary Discussion], May 10-11, 2012
- “Should Philosophers Compromise?”; Kompromis-Perspektywy [Compromise – Perspectives], May 11-12, 2011
- “‘Progress’ in the Context of Human Nature“; Postęp a kondycja ludzka [Progress and the Human Condition], May 18-19, 2010
- “Reality and Irreality in Gombrowicz’s Literary Philosophy”; Filozoficzne tropy w literaturze [Philosophical Tropes in Literature], May 21-22, 2009
- Philosophers’ Rally – Zlot filozoficzny, May 19-21, 2006
- “Philosophical Education in the Context of Americanization”; Filozofia w szkole. Funkcja, rola, znaczenie filozofii [Philosophy in School. Function, Role, and the Meaning of Philosophy], March 17-18, 2005
- “Elzenberg’s axiological perfectionism.” Conference on Henryk Elzenberg’s Philosophy, September 16-20, 1997, Karpacz, Poland.
Speeches and papers given at non-academic conferences and meetings:
“Facial Images as a Way for the Articulation of Values: Classic Form, Avant-garde’s Deformation, and Pop Culture Stylization”; International Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER, May 16-17, 2014
Indiana Leadership Summit, 31 October-1 November 2002, Indianapolis, IN
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