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One of a series of meetings discussing G. Santayana’s philosophy hold by Indiana University / The Santayana Society / Santayana Edition (Indianapolis, USA)
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One of a series of meetings discussing G. Santayana’s philosophy hold by Indiana University / The Santayana Society / Santayana Edition (Indianapolis, USA)
Fernando Vidagañ Murgui (Valencia) durante preparaciones de su tesis doctoral ¨Emerson filósofo: la dispute entre la filosofía y la poesía en América¨, visitó, en 2023, la Universidad de Opole y colaboró con dr Skowronski durante su estancia y después. Defendió su tesis en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Valencia en 12 de abril, 2024 – dr Skowronski como un miembro del tribunal.
John Lachs’s Practical Philosophy
Chris Skowroński moderated an Online Seminar, Feb 16, on the philosophy of G. Santayana. Happy to say that most eminent experts on the topic participated in the webinar. A 2-hour-discussion embraced many topics including the importance of Santayana’s proposal to see philosophy as a way of the good life. Btw, it’s great to see that the contemporary technology makes it possible for philosophers to discuss things in such a way, if not in a better or a more effective way, that earlier needed a conference in a definite geographical location. The present webinar is a part of Berlin Forum Seminars Online project. We thank the Santayana Society and its President, dr. Richard Rubin, for co-operation.
New book co-edited by Chris Skowroński, published by Routledge. See more HERE
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